(270) 443-3714 mtmoriahmbc@comcast.net


The Board of Deaconess are sisters in the church who are moral, spiritual, and of good report among the members of the church as suggested in the New Testament: 1 Timothy 3:11 and Titus 2:2-5. The duties shall be to assist the deacons in maintaining moral and spiritual life among the members. The board of deaconesses will assist the pastor in developing the spiritual life of the women and girls of the church for the best possible Christian Service. The board will assist the pastor and the board of deacons in visiting the members, in the identification and care of the sick, needy and distressed members of the church.

Angela Johnson

Angela Johnson


President of the Deaconess. Member of the Usher Ministry, and Women’s Ministry

Carrie Jones

Carrie Jones

Deaconess Vice President

Member of Mt. Moriah since her childhood, member of the Deaconess Board for more than 5 years, member of the Official Team. Former member of the Music Ministry and Missionary Ministry.

Mattie Bryant

Mattie Bryant

Longtime member of Mt. Moriah.  Former member of the Missionary Ministry and the Music Ministry

L. Joyce Biles

L. Joyce Biles

Former member of the Missionary Ministry, Women’s Ministry, bulletin board ministry, and represented Mt. Moriah at Community Kitchen.

Ruthie Washington

Ruthie Washington

Former Missionary Ministry Treasurer, Women’s Ministry member, and secretary for the Usher Ministry.

Mildred Arnold

Mildred Arnold

Oldest member of the Usher Ministry, former member of the Missionary Ministry and retired head of the Culinary Ministry.

Sherona Waldon

Sherona Waldon

Member of Mt. Moriah for 61 years, President of Women’s Ministry.  Former Administrative Assistant to Pastor Calvin Cole, Sr. and Former Choir member.